We've been swimming, cycling and running like our fundraising for Age UK depended on it but this week Team SuperBASS (or Team SuperbASS as I like to call us) have been wrapping up the training by one last brief refreshing (sub 10 degrees, I'm sure) swim in the Hampstead ponds. Ambling down the foliage draped path towards the pond, we had our first encounter of Roger....
Roger the rat having a hug with a strange moustached man
He's obviously found out this was our last trip to the ponds and decided to join us; in the pond and then later in the changing rooms where he was cheering us on as we practiced getting out of our wetsuits - or the T1 transition as us triathletes say. Personally, I feel he was just trying to sneak a peak at Brid's boobs and Sinead's ass. I think I'll be making him the honorary fourth team member (Don't worry Stephanie, he'll never completely replace you, he's not as quickwitted).
In these final hours we will be carb loading and
trying to move as little as possible until Saturday. Need some
assistance to complete your PADLS and DADLs? Sorry patients, I can't
possibly help you. I'm an elite triathlete and need to rest. (Not
really, we wouldn't DREAM of doing such a thing HPC, Barbara, jury of
the court....)
I don't know about Brid and Sinead but I will be
taking it easy until after the triathlon. After reading copious amounts
of literature on how to complete a tri, I am formulating my own
approach. I don't really want to push myself too much. I don't want to
get too out of breath. I don't have a set time. Completion will happen naturally. This way I still have lots of energy for our
AFTER PARTY! We will be drinking away (hopefully) our success of the
day upstairs at The Star of Bethnal Green this Saturday from 8pm
onwards. Everyone welcome!!!!
As for the money side of things, we've been scrambling around for sponsorship in the last few weeks and here are a few strategies I have tried; some successful, some not so.
1. Ask people using this thing called social media i.e. Facebook as I don't know how to use anything else (moderately successful)
2. Ask people using email (completely ignored - fail)
3. Ask people to their actual faces (Some people will actually say 'no' outright! However, most people feel too awkward and will almost always say yes unless I start to feel awkward first and insist they don't have to sponsor us - absolute failure on my part but I'm getting better).
4. Set up a text service!!! We only set this up last night and have still to get our first text donation. First text donor will win Sinead and/or Brid to do whatever you want with them. They're so dedicated to the cause.
Here's how you can win your prize(s)
Just text our code BASS69 to 70070 with your donation amount
I have to mention all the people who have sponsored us since my last blog. Massive special thanks to Lieu, Mouse, Jack and Shannon, Sue and Keith, Jill, Leah and the entire population of the Essex town of Brentwood.
Thank you everyone for your continued support!! We love you!!
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